Where is Crossroads planning to plant churches?

 As a general guideline, within a 150-mile radius of Valencia, roughly the longest reasonable driving distance for our folks to potentially visit or attend services at the plant.  This is approximately as far north as Visalia and as far south as San Diego.


What will be the primary characteristics of the  Crossroads church plants?

Crossroads will plant and parent local churches that will have Crossroads “DNA”, abide by the Crossroads statement of faith, be elder-led, bible-teaching (expositional/applicational), non- denominational and independent within 3-5 years.


What is Crossroads looking for in Church Planters? 

Top-line, men who are 30-40, married with children, seminary educated in institutions of like-minded theology to Crossroads (e.g. Master’s Seminary, Talbot, Dallas Theological Seminary, Phoenix), most desirably having at least five years’ experience as a Senior Pastor and ten years in ministry, with an appropriate gifting, calling and passion to plant. 


How much will it cost to plant each church?

The cost to plant will be unique to each plant, depending on the infrastructure ("church in a box”, rental space, etc.) and location (for example, the cost to operate and support a church plant in the San Joaquin Valley would likely be significantly less than in metro Los Angeles or a San Diego-area beach community).  We anticipate that Crossroads will provide financial start-up support of $150-200,000 to each church plant we parent.